

Kandu: International Buddhakado Organisation's logo.

Made in the colours of the Nepali flag

- Red: the colour of the rhododendron, the country's national flower. Red is also the sign of victory in war.

- Blue:  the colour of peace.

- White: the flag's emblems, the sun and the crescent moon

Representing the following:

- White half circle > moon

stands for fighting in half circles.

- Red full circle > sun

stands for fighting in full circles.

- Blue > Mount Everest

The highest of the Himalaya and the world, representing the 'line of sight' and also the limits you set yourself.


- Fist: you, placed out of the line of sight of the attacker

And also above Mount Everest = the limits you set yourself, since you can always surpass your limits.

- Khukuri: world famous Nepali crooked sword and weapon of choice in our art.

Buddhakado Belgium

Nepali Full Contact Karate

Part of I.B.O.
